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Dr. Mason receives 2022-23 Faculty Fellow for Office of Research

Dr. Olivia Mason, Professor of Oceanography in EOAS, will use her fellowship year to start an FSU climate resilience institute (FSU-CRI). The goal of FSU-CRI is to bring together FSU faculty who work on climate science to facilitate cross-discipline proposal development and ultimately funding. In addition, an FSU-CRI website will be developed to provide information about climate research being carried out at the university to further facilitate multidisciplinary research, to provide details on funding acquisition and research opportunities, and to provide information for prospective students. 


FSU oceanographer earns grant to research nitrous oxide, climate change

Dr. Olivia Mason, a faculty member in the Florida State University Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science will investigate the production of greenhouse gases in marine environments near the coast of Namibia, Africa, this year thanks to an award from the National Science Foundation.

Congratulations Dr. Lauren Campbell

Congratulations Lauren, on your successful Ph.D. defense. (2019)

2019 CoAS Spectrum - Summer 2019 for web-1_edited.jpg

From Sea to Sky

Young researchers change the face of Erath Sciences

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Congratulations Rachel Petet

Congratulations on your successful M.S. defense Rachel! (2019)

The Consortium for Simulation of Oil-Microbial Interactions in the Ocean will investigate how microbes influence the biodegradation and accumulation of petroleum in the water column and marine sediments of the deep ocean and shelf.

Congratulations Erin Canter

Congratulations to Erin for successfully defending her M.S.! She did an excellent job!

Congratulations Lauren Gillies

Congratulations to Lauren for passing her preliminary exams!  She is now officially a Ph.D. Candidate.

Sampling the marshes of Alabama

Loren Knobbe sampling marshes in Alabama, USA

ISME 2016

ISME16 in Montreal, Canada

ISME 2016

Mason Lab presenting at ISME16 in Montreal, Canada

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